Sunday, March 11, 2007


Life. What is yours like? Are you blessed? Even a better question may be are you a blessing?

Not trying to be cute. Just a thought provoking question.
This is the time of the year that a lot people are thinking about how they can serve others. Some are thinking about how they can be served. Those people are mostly children.

But that's okay. Children are such a blessing in our lives, we tend to shower them with an abundance of unnecessary stuff.
But the look on their faces is priceless when they open that widget. We would not trade that moment for all the money in the world. (figuratively speaking of course)

More blessings in our lives are our elderly. They have blessed us with wisdom far beyond our years. A lot of times we don't take advantage of the time we have with them.
If you think about it, we could learn a lot and be a blessing to them at the same time.
I think of the elderly in my world and I know that they would love to spend time with me. A lot of times I dismiss and have to turn down the invitations due to my incredibly hectic schedule.

What a price. While writing this I realize that I have so much to learn from my elderly friends and relatives. What a shame for me to give a pass on the wisdom.

Who in your life can you be a blessing to? Who in your life can be a blessing to you? Perhaps this is the best time to pick up the phone and make a call to an elderly friend.

Maybe you should stop what you are doing now and go pick up a book and read a story with your child.

Take advantage of this moment right now and share, talk, listen, and yes, bless someone in your life.

Talk to you later. I am going to go find my children.

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