Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Controlling Time Management

Does time control you? Or do you control time?


When we have control of our lives and self, we have the ability to manage anything that involves our self.

Of course, no one has entire control over anything, but we all have a degree of control over most things that involve us.

We must remember that all things in life affect us in some sort of way, and when we are strategizing a time management scheme, we need to factor in all details of life. You might think that time management is a quick process, but when you sit down and start your calculations, you will soon learn that the process takes time to complete.

Team effort is great, but if you are in time management alone for yourself, then the road can be rockier. Now you know why man came up with the idea of Stop, Yield and Go lights. Time management has its own stop, go, and yield signs.

In order to start a time management plan you need to calculate and analyze your plan carefully to weed out flaws, evaluating where your time is spent.

Once you start your calculations you will see that time is an equal and subtract strategy.

If it takes you 45 minutes in the morning to get motivated, it is most likely a result of procrastination and lack of preparation. Now, to cut back time you will need to think! Thinking is the process of bringing forth results either negative or positively. Why is it taking me 45 minutes to get dressed in the morning?

Are you searching through your closet trying to find a suit that works for your atmosphere? The solution then is taking a few minutes each night to pick your attire fore the next day, so that when you get up in the morning you only need to dress.

The fact is, any person can get up in the morning, put on make-up, clothes, and even style their hair in less than 45 minutes. Even models, actors, and actresses are limited to how much time they spend on dressing. If you think about it, when women go on stage for a beauty pageant, they are limited in how much time they spend on getting ready for the show.

The producers or directors invested some of their time to make sure that their time management scheme was running smoothly, by controlling what their actors were doing with their time. What are you doing at work?

Are you standing around drinking a cup of coffee chatting online, with a co-worker, or on the phone? If you are, you are not only wasting company time, you are wasting your time. Time management includes you. Unless you don’t have a goal in mind, this is not a controlling method in time management.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Basics in Time Management Questions

We all have to find what works best for our individuality, since each and every one of us is different.

Accepting our own actions, behaviors and thoughts is not the beginning of learning who we really are. Rather, it is an attribute, which follows a connection between our past and our futures. You heard the nonsense “never look back?”

Well, the people that are telling you this are in a big office basing their ideas, theories and guesses on experiences and lifetimes. Hypocrites need to pluck the needle from their own eyes and quite advising others, since obviously the plans they make rarely work. This acceptance starts with the basics in managing our time. The basics in time management are setting up goals and plans that are obtainable.

When we set goals for our selves we must ask…”Is this goal obtainable. Do I have the ability to achieve this goal?

How do I plan to make this goal successful?

Asking questions then is one basic element of diverting a time management scheme that works smoothly. Asking for help is another basic element in time management that leads to success.

Success is the greatest reward that life has to offer us.

No one knows it all, so sometimes we have to ask for help. When you are asking questions, you are letting others know that you have a goal and you are searching to obtain that goal by seeking out a solution. When we question our selves, we are performing a therapeutic technique that helps us to find answers to unanswered questions.

For example, if you are getting married in July and it is January, you may want to ask yourself is your timeframe suitable? Does the timeframe work with your schedule? Am I ready for this? Do I have the ability to manage a marriage?

If you see where I am going, it is obvious. Many people commit to marriage, but often neglect elements of time management, that are essential for making the marriage work. Time and money is invested in this arrangement and often wasted, since the marriage leads to divorce. Likewise, if we are starting a new business, we have to ask questions.

Questions are the root of establishing a time management scheme that leads to success. Don’t let pride get in the way of obtaining your goals. Pride is a root of evil and it does not bring forth good results when utilized inappropriately. Maintaining pride brings us to ‘keeping it simple,’ which is another basic rule in time management.

Keeping it simple is smartest element in time management since it works to benefit our mind, body, and responsibilities. Simple does not mean to be simple minded, neglecting your responsibilities. Rather, simple means to put a plan in motion that works smoothly and effectively, while reaching for your goals.

One example of a simple plan, is when problems arise it is often because someone made a mistake, unless nature is in the picture. If we are making plans to obtain goals, then we want to analyze carefully which strategies work best to reach that goal.

We want a plan that is logical and simple; so that it informs us which steps to take next to reach our level of success intended, without feeling doubts or running into complications constantly along the way. No plan is flawless, so keep in mind when you are creating a plan for time management “role playing” can often decrease risks in plans.

This means when you come up with an idea for your planning scheme, you would ask questions, play out the part, and focus on the results. If good results come from the actions or decisions, you know then that the plan will run smoothly.

Life is too short to waste time, and time is wasting money, so learn the basics in time management so you can reach your goals.

Time manages everything.

No matter what we do in life, it all revolves around time. We can spend time wisely and get results from our efforts, or we can waste time and sit back wondering what happen to our lives?